Thursday, August 30, 2012

I really don't know where the past three months has gone! I have existed in a baby bubble for the duration and have loved every second. It has been challenging at times, but I really didn't realise that it would be so much fun....
We had our first family holiday in Argyll for a fortnight at our caravan. There is so much to see and do up there and some of the scenery is awesome.We were sad to leave, but have stored many happy memories of our time there........
I have spent this week catching up with my mum and sister, who's bub is now 7 weeks. We are spending our days at the movies, swimming, shopping and lunching. Maternity leave has been a very restful experience.

 I have also committed an hour a day getting back on the mat and I am now doing most of primary series. I have taken my time in getting back into it and I am now enjoying my practice more than ever. It has become a very important hour of 'me time'.......

I will be returning to teach at the Yoga Room on a Tuesday night from next week. I am apprehensive about leaving Molly, but she couldn't be in safer hands ( my mum and Andy will be looking after her). It will be wonderful to catch up with all of my wonderful clients, but part of me is scared of bursting the maternity 'bubble' that I have created. I will be fine once I get back into it. The 1st night will be the hardest I am sure.

Ro x

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