Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We have spent the past couple of weekends up at our caravan in Argyll. The weather has been appalling, but it is so lovely to get out of the city and to get some good quality family time.

 I have finally been able to do a full yoga practice! I am taking full advantage of Molly's long mid morning nap and I managed full primary series this morning. I loved second. It has been about 6 months since i did any Ashtanga and i was surprised at what my body remembers. My Mula Bandha requires a wee bit of work after giving birth, I have to say! Hopefully it is just a matter of time before I get that, and the rest of my practice back. 

I still plan to return to work one night a week from September. I have mixed feelings about this... I am excited to return to my wonderful business and to see all of my friends but I will be sad to leave my beautiful little girl.  I am glad it is only one night a week and that my mum and Andy will be doing the baby minding. I couldn't imagine leaving her with a stranger and pity women that are forced to do this early on in their babies life so that they can return to work.

Fingers crossed the sunshine of today will continue this week so that I can really enjoy some decent walks in the West End with my baby!

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